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Overcoming the 4 Greatest Leadership Challenges to Finally Achieve Sustainable Results


Introducing the SIMPLE Leadership Compass™ – a course for leaders, teams, and business owners which explores the 4 great challenges leaders are facing today. The SIMPLE Leadership Compass course provides a simple framework and tools to help you overcome these challenges and experience transformation in your life, work, and leadership.


More margin. More fulfillment. Better connections. Higher productivity. Simpler life and work.

What you need is…


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”22″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23404040″ bottom_padding=”-30″ line_height=”24″]A solution that addresses your unique situation – that walks you through the exact steps you need to take to answer your most pressing questions.

Most leaders tell us they want to make progress faster. And they want the right solution that is proven to work, but is easy to understand and implement.[/text_block]


So we put together a simple, proven process…


The SIMPLE Leadership Compass includes everything you need step-by-step to directly address the 4 greatest leadership challenges to get REAL results – with your time and focus, in your relationships, and toward greater fulfillment and more freedom.

We’ll show you why leadership often feels chaotic and where to start so you can make fast, effective progress even if nothing else has worked.

Then we will show you exactly how to apply the tools into sustainable habits for your life, work, and leadership.

The SIMPLE Leadership Compass is your next best step.


Yes, I’m Ready for my Next Step >>


Your leadership doesn’t grow on its own…


Your growth requires making intentional investments. And when you’re overwhelmed, it’s impossible to make these investments. You need fast and effective leadership strategies to be the leader you want to be – a leader WORTH following.

If you’re like most people who are looking for relevant solutions to help team members work effectively in an organization that does not value investing in people, it can be so frustrating.

What you would like to do is find a leader development program that helps you work with a senior leader who is overly engaged in the day-to-day functions that you and your colleagues are tasked with leading.



This Offer Is Not Available Anywhere Else


There’s no other way to get it at this price. We’ve sold the workshops included in the course for more than $4,500. But because we know how important it is for you to experience real, sustainable results in your life and work, we have gathered our best tools and resources into this course for you at just a fraction of the price.

Many people pay thousands of dollars for training, consulting, and resources for mentoring staff and investing in them. But you don’t need to do that.

Instead of $4,500 for the SIMPLE Leadership Compass, the course is yours today for just $397.

You can even get started for just $157 when you select the payment option.

You spend so much time pouring into others – you need to take time to invest in you. Now’s the time.

Click the button below to finally make the progress you’ve wanted to make – in your life, work, and leadership!


Get The Course Now for Just $397

Or Select the Payment Option to Get Started for $157!


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What Results Can I Expect?


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”22″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23404040″ line_height=”24″]The SIMPLE Leadership Compass will show you where to start and walk you through the exact steps you need to take to make fast, effective progress…[/text_block]
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  • Information Overload: Learn exactly what to do if you feel like you’re consuming so much leadership info but don’t have enough time to apply it.
  • Distraction & Busyness: Discover how to create more margin so you are not so distracted and overwhelmed with busyness (even if investing time to strengthen your leadership capabilities has taken a back seat).
  • Focus: Learn how to stay focused (and get those you lead to stay focused) on exactly what you should be working on even though you are all SO distracted.
  • Modeling & Mentoring: Learn how to model great leadership so it is easier for others to emulate.
  • Investing in You: You already spend so much time investing in others, setting aside time to invest in yourself is difficult. We’ll show you how to invest in yourself without sacrificing your job or home life.
  • Resources & Tools: We’ll help you sort through the plethora of content and information to identify the perfect tools and resources to develop skills, attitudes, and practices that will stick.
  • Application: We’ll show you exactly how to apply the content to your setting right away, so the training doesn’t become a routine, theoretical experience that is forgotten soon after.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”22″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23404040″ line_height=”24″]…so the next time you make progress it lasts, instead of all falling apart.

Imagine having the time to focus on the people and projects that truly matter to you, finishing every week with a sense of accomplishment, knowing you completed everything you set out to do, while still having the time and energy to grow intentionally as a leader.[/text_block]


What Are People Saying?

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QuoteI spent years trying to make progress – because I just couldn’t find proven solutions that would work right away. This experience was completely different – relevant solutions I put into practice immediately. This was time and money well-spent and now I can better focus on today’s opportunities rather than challenges in the past.
– James Marshall



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Quote I started working on the course and it was so helpful, stayed up half the night to complete it! It’s great stuff, and the video sessions helped me to make changes to take my leadership to the next level. I can’t wait to work through the next course!
– Mick Coffman



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QuoteMichael and his team have done the hard work of simplifying the complexity of leadership into an easy-to-follow process. Each phase of training provides the foundation for the next, which allows you over time to create healthy teams, healthy relationships, and a healthy personal life. It’s comprehensive leadership training at its finest!
– Jonathan Milligan


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Quote I could not be happier! This training allowed me to make significant progress – quickly and easily. Incredibly easy to use and implement – it was like a crash course in leadership development. Exactly what I needed.
– Jenna Kitrell



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QuoteThe SIMPLE Leadership Compass makes a path, that can sometimes seem daunting and never-ending, clear and manageable. I highly recommend it regardless of where you are on your leadership journey.
– Rebecca Livermore
Writer for Michael Hyatt, Amy Porterfield,
Pat Flynn, Marcus Sheridan, and others



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Quote The course was incredibly easy to get started and even includes the tools you need within the sessions themselves without having to go elsewhere. Plus, the support team is very responsive when you need help and are always looking for ways to make it even better than it already is!
– Sean Paulsen



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QuoteEvery time I’m with Michael and the Guidestone team, I walk away with insights that truly add value to my life and work. They’re the real deal. You won’t be disappointed when you invest in yourself by working with and learning from Guidestone.”
– Chad Allen
Editorial Director, Baker Books



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What is included?

The Simple Leadership Compass Framework
You’ll learn the 4 challenges every leader faces and how to leverage them to achieve real results.

Lifetime Access
Once you’re in, you’re in! This course is yours for life. Come back to sections you need to refresh, continually access worksheets and materials.

Your Favorite Format
Each session is available in video, audio, transcripts, and PDF format. Perfect for wherever you’re headed.

Practical Tools You Can Use Right Away
We’re talking checklists, articles, worksheets, infographics, blueprints, cheat sheets, product recommendations, eBooks and more, each designed to help you be more focused and more productive than ever.

Learn at Your Own Pace
You can do it in as little as 10 minutes a day. Whether you like to binge watch or move through incrementally, you’re in charge of the pace! Pause videos, download worksheets, and review the tools on your own schedule.

Top-quality Workbooks and Resources
Apply the growth strategies to yourself, your team, and your organization, whatever your setting.

Community of Leaders
Interact with a cohort of peers – who provide insight, feedback, and inspiration.


TIME-SENSITIVE: Take advantage of this limited-time opportunity TODAY


You’ll Also Get These Bonuses…


Bonus #1 – Guidestone 360 Leader Assessment $500 FREE! Designed to help you see what it is like to be on the other side of you, the feedback you receive from this assessment reveals how others experience your leadership behavior, and confirms your strengths to enable you to create your own realistic, achievable development plan.

Bonus #2 – One-on-One Consultation $350 FREE! Take your assessment to the next level. Schedule a review of your results with us and we’ll help you develop a customized action plan.

These bonuses are included TODAY with the SIMPLE Leadership Compass…absolutely FREE.


Get The Fast Track Now for Just $397


Get the Fast Track – Save 90% >>



30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Once you complete the first module and the exercises, if you feel as though you’ve not received your money’s worth, just shoot us an email with your completed action items and let us know why it was not a fit for you and we will promptly refund your money.
We are passionate about providing the highest level of customer satisfaction. If you ever need help, you can easily reach our support page inside the member’s area.



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ top_padding=”-10″]Still have questions? Email Us by Clicking Here[/text_block]

It Can Be Frustrating


If you’re like most people who are looking for relevant solutions for the challenges you are facing today, it can be so frustrating. What you would like to do is quantify the impact of your investment in a measurable way – to measure the real impact of leadership development and the return on your investment.


But that seems impossible.


You have a hard time justifying the time and energy to navigate the diverse leadership content in the marketplace to find skills and practices that will stick. You want to invest in a program in which the results would be sustainable and can be put into practice right away.

So after investing thousands of dollars in leader development and seeing little or no progress, why bother investing any more time and money?

I completely know what it feels like.


You feel like you’re just spinning your wheels. You see leaders around you performing well and accomplishing cool things, but you feel like you’re not making any progress. You’re not getting anywhere. And even when you do make a little progress, every inch feels like it takes 10 times longer than it should.

And while everyone is receiving awards, and posting photos of their successes, you’re slaving away, just trying to find a little margin and get something going amid the chaos.

You’re working overtime, highly-stressed, working with a reduced budget having to do more with less making it difficult to focus on your role and responsibilities. And you’re beginning to doubt yourself.

And that’s when you begin to think, maybe this “healthy leadership” thing is just one big fat lie. Maybe it’s not possible. Or maybe it’s just not meant for you.



What is my next best step?


The SIMPLE Leadership Compass includes everything you need step-by-step to directly address the 4 greatest leadership challenges to get REAL results – with your time and focus, in your relationships, and toward greater fulfillment and more freedom.

We’ll show you why leadership often feels chaotic and where to start so you can make fast, effective progress even if nothing else has worked.

Then we will show you exactly how to apply the tools into sustainable habits for your life, work, and leadership.

The SIMPLE Leadership Compass is your next best step.

Yes, I’m Ready for my Next Step >>



Let me explain…


I’m Michael Nichols and I’ve been helping executives, entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams in companies like Staples, US Air Force, Boeing, Mercedes-Benz, Chick-Fil-A, Constellation Software, Oakley, Federal Aviation Administration, and Lululemon for more than 20 years.

We’ve been developing resources, training, and tools to help them improve leadership skills and get their organization to invest in people through the SIMPLE Leadership Framework.


Here’s why…


Like you, we searched everywhere for reliable leadership development materials. While there are a million options online, none of them seem to have everything that you’re looking for.

You come across one that looks promising only to find low reviews, low value, poor content, or an unsustainable framework. While it looked good on the surface, it had low-payoff after months of using it.

Everything out there was either unclear about what you will accomplish by using it, impossible to implement right away, information overload, not worth the cost, or simply not sustainable.


Nobody wants that again.


The SIMPLE Leadership Compass is not a bunch of work to add on top of your already packed list of tasks and busy schedule. Nobody needs that.

The fast track is less about more-work-to-do and more about a mindshift – a new way of thinking about what you do and why you do it. Just 10 minutes a day is all you’ll need. And if you need to skip a day, it’s easy to pick right back up where you left off. It was designed with you in mind.


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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ top_padding=”-10″]Still have questions? Email Us by Clicking Here[/text_block]