SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass – Regular



The Proven Pathway to Leadership Transformation


Introducing the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass™ – a total development system for leaders, teams, and business owners. We created the masterclass to help you simplify your life, work, and leadership so you can live with more passion and lead with more confidence.


More margin. More fulfillment. Better connections. Higher productivity. Simpler life and work.


A world in chaos…


84% of organizations are experiencing a shortfall in leaders

40% say lack of help and support from their boss is the number one reason they experience bad days at work

Just 18% of organizations say their leaders are effectively meeting business goals

83% of organizations believe it is important to develop leaders at all levels, yet only 5% of organizations have leader development opportunities at all levels

Less than 10% of critical leadership positions have ready and willing successors

71% of companies do not feel their current leaders are able to lead their organization into the future

Closing leadership skills gaps is the top priority for 58% of organizations


Source: Brandon Hall’s State of Leadership Development: Time to Act is Now


And the challenges are growing daily.


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Quote I have been fortunate to get to know the Guidestone coaches in a variety of contexts, including group and one-on-one coaching. Every time I’m with Michael, I walk away with insights that truly add value to my life and work. He’s the real deal. He knows a lot, he cares a lot, and you won’t be disappointed when you invest in yourself by registering for the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass.”
– Chad Allen
Editorial Director, Baker Books




Are you just winging it?


Your leadership doesn’t grow on its own. Your growth requires making intentional investments.

And when you’re overwhelmed, it’s impossible to make these investments. You need fast and effective leadership strategies to make a difference leading from the middle.

Finding time amid all the chaos at home and the complexity of the office can be downright overwhelming.

No matter how hard you try, nothing ever seems to work the way you want it to. You can never catch up. It gets more difficult to make time for planning, reflection, and personal growth.


So your work becomes a job, instead of your passion.



There Has to Be a Better Way to Simplify Leading and Accelerate Growth


And there is.


For more than 20 years, Dr. Michael Nichols has been helping executives, entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams simplify their life, work, and leadership so they can live with more passion, lead with more confidence, and leave a legacy.

He has coached leaders, teams, and organizations all over the US and around the world from Fortune 50 companies to stay-at-home entrepreneurs and has been named Top 100 Leadership Speakers in America by Inc. and Top 100 Executive Coaches in America.

Today, Guidestone clients include CNN, Staples, US Air Force, Boeing, Mercedes-Benz, US Army, Airbus, Chick-Fil-A, Oakley, Federal Aviation Administration, Lululemon, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and more.


But not long ago, Michael had reached the point of overwhelm too…



“For years I navigated increasingly complex challenges in my life, in my work, and in my leadership journey – launching new businesses, as a young leader handling conflict with older leaders, being betrayed by the very people I was serving, and grieving painful loss.

I’ve been there – trying to improve in the margins of life.

I stayed up late – and got up early – reading the books, listening to the podcasts, buying the courses.


And nothing worked.


In fact, all those things only brought more complexity and confusion. I secretly wondered if there was something wrong with me. If I just wasn’t cut out for leadership. If there was some problem deep inside that I’d never be able to conquer. If I should just quit trying and resign myself to going to the office for a paycheck.


What I needed was a simple, proven process and tools that I could work through on my own or with the help of a coach that would help me experience dramatic improvements at home and at work – without compromising my personal life.”


What if I could show you how to break the cycle of chaos, stress, and exhaustion without sacrificing your team, your company, or your personal life?

What if it is possible for you to win at work AND win at life?



We created a stunningly simple, yet powerful platform to help leaders and teams accelerate growth.



The Simple Leadership Masterclass includes a simple, proven process to help leaders and team members grow to scale their organization faster than ever.

Designed exclusively for leaders who want to drive better results, you’ll discover top-tier strategies for growing you, your people, and your business based on our growth model – the 6 recurring phases of SIMPLE Leadership. You’ll receive the support, accountability, and guidance you need to apply these strategies to your unique context and to share them with your team.

A simple process to follow and 100+ training sessions, videos, guides, and workbooks for every level of leader. Right now, we’re developing three NEW 12-month tracks for you and your team members to follow – more than 3 years of content at your fingertips.

You’ll find our step-by-step video sessions and workbooks to be engaging and fun. And we’re adding more weekly! As you follow the action steps for each session, you’ll experience the same dramatic improvements in your life and work that hundreds of leaders and teams all over the world have experienced!


An Experienced Business Mentor for You and Your Team.



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Quote It’s always been my belief that you have to first lead yourself well before you can lead others well. Michael does the hard work of simplifying the complexity of leadership into an easy to follow process. Each phase of the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass builds upon the next, which allows you over time to create healthy teams, healthy relationships, and a healthy personal life. It’s holistic leadership training at its finest!
– Jonathan Milligan
Founder of Blogging Your Passion




What’s included?


Many of the tools, content, and products we’ve created – guides, templates, books, audio training, video training – are included inside the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass. We’ve included the exact process, workshops, and resources we teach to companies, leaders, and teams every week. And each month we add more high-value content to help you and your team simplify, plan, execute, and scale.  You’ll also get…

Real-time Access to Business Coaches and Mentors. Business leaders with long and deep experience are with you every step of the way to help you learn and apply new strategies in as little time as possible.

Lifetime Access to Customized Solutions so you can experience consistent growth and address challenges in the moment. Practical, relevant tools that you can put to use immediately – not just theory and ideas.

Top-quality Workbooks and Resources to help you apply your growth strategies to yourself, your team, and your organization. Easy-to-use downloadable worksheets, templates, and guides.

Community of Leaders – a cohort of peers who provide insight, feedback, and inspiration.

Live Events – exclusive access to live virtual and in-person events throughout the year.


TODAY, You’ll Also Receive These Bonuses!


Bonus #1 – Guidestone 360 Leader Assessment ($497 Value) Designed to help you see what it is like to be on the other side of you, the feedback you receive from this assessment reveals how others experience your leadership behavior, and confirms your strengths to enable you to create your own realistic, achievable development plan.

Bonus #2 – A Personalized Copy of Creating Your Business Vision ($25 Value) A personalized and signed hard copy of this powerful book which will help you and your team achieve your biggest goals.



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Quote The thing I love most about the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass is that not only is the information that is shared helpful and challenging, it’s also real. The coaches share their stories in a way that is truly authentic. That authenticity helps you know that as a leader, you’re not alone, and that regardless of the struggles you face, there is hope for you. The SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass makes a path, that can sometimes be dark and lonely, clear and full of hope. I highly recommend it regardless of where you are on your leadership journey.
– Rebecca Livermore
Writer for Michael Hyatt, Amy Porterfield,
Pat Flynn, Marcus Sheridan, and others




Which Option Works Best for Me?


This Offer Is Not Available Anywhere Else. There’s no other way to get it at this price. We’ve sold the training and workshops included in the masterclass combined for more than $20,000. But because we know how important it is for you to experience real, sustainable results in your life and work, we have gathered our best tools and resources into the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass at just a fraction of the price for you.

Many people pay thousands of dollars for training, consulting, and resources for mentoring staff and investing in them. But you don’t need to do that.

Instead of $20,000 for the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass, the course is yours today for just $1990.

You can even get started for just $390 when you select the payment option.

You spend so much time pouring into others – you need to take time to invest in you. Now’s the time.

Click the button below to finally make the progress you’ve wanted to make – in your life, work, and leadership!


Get The Masterclass Now for Just $1990

Or Select the Payment Option to Get Started for $390!


Register Now >>



Plus More Than $500 in Bonuses Listed Above!

Limited Enrollment Period – This rate will expire at midnight this Friday.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ font_color=”%23665843″ top_padding=”-10″ line_height=”32″]The best investment for your remaining professional development dollars this year. And you’ll have access for the rest of your career no matter where it takes you.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”36″ font_color=”%230272B6″ top_padding=”-10″ line_height=”40″]Don’t miss this opportunity
to lock in this unbelievable rate![/text_block]

Register Now >>



30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Once you complete the first module and the assignments, if you feel as though you’ve not received your money’s worth, just shoot us an email with your completed action items, and we will promptly refund your money.
We are passionate about providing the highest level of customer satisfaction. If you ever need help, you can easily reach our support page inside the member’s area.



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ top_padding=”-10″]Still have questions? Email Us by Clicking Here[/text_block]

The Secret to Rapid Business Growth
(and Getting Unstuck)…

We get it – and we’ve heard it before. You’ve tried all of the programs you could get your hands on.

As business leaders ourselves, we understand the challenges you face. At times they seem overwhelming – as if something in LIFE has to give for you to reach your WORK goals.

Our hope for you is that this opportunity will help you accept a new reality – where you don’t have to sacrifice your personal life to experience massive growth in your business. The difference maker is training and tools that are simple, powerful, and cost-effective.

We know you are busy – we designed the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass for busy leaders just like you. It won’t demand enormous amounts of time. It’s not about information overload. Most of the sessions are 2 to 12 minutes with simple action items to help you apply the learning as you navigate your day.

So it’s perfect for busy leaders and teams who want to find more margin, be more fulfilled, make better connections, be more productive – but need the tools and training to be simple and easy to use.



Now is the Time to Get Back on Track



In our work with leaders and teams for more than 20 years, we’ve heard it all…


“We work in a continual state of chaos and stress.”

“I don’t know if we’ll ever accomplish what I know is possible.”

“I’ve been passed over for promotion three times.”

“My team doesn’t respect me – they don’t even like me.”

“My kids no longer speak to me.”

“It never gets better – we have less and less time to do what really matters.”

“It’s like I don’t even matter – they never listen to my ideas and direction.”

“I’ve not had a raise in 6 years.”

“I’m working harder than ever, yet I’m more overwhelmed than ever before.”

“Last month she left me.”


Sound familiar? Those who don’t make a change, will continue the downward spiral.



The Number One Goal for Most Leaders




While the number one goal for most leaders is execution, most leaders and teams struggle with it – because they try to do too much.

You can’t do it all. And we’ll help you do the right things and stop doing the wrong things.

The SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass has the exact tools leaders and teams need – every day, every month, every year – to make leadership simple. And now they are available, accessible, and affordable when YOU need them.

And today, hundreds of busy leaders and teams are experiencing more margin, better connections, great fulfillment in their work, and higher productivity.



Results from Leaders Like You…


94% say their work-life balance improved in the first 2 months

98% improved their leadership skills

54% average revenue increase after one year in the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass

96% saw dramatic improvements in efficiency and effectiveness

89% took more time-off by learning to manage  priorities and make better decisions

94% said they are better prepared to confidently deal with change and challenges


Source: The Guidestone Group 2018 Client Survey


More Margin. Greater Fulfillment. Better Relationships. Higher Productivity.



The Framework for Simple Leadership


The 6 Modules of the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass are built on the framework of the 6 Phases of SIMPLE Leadership and serve as guide stones for leaders and teams on their development journey.

Every week we work with companies who are paying thousands of dollars for us to walk their teams and leaders through each of these applied-learning experiences and workshops. And now you have access to all of this high-value content…

Developing the Ultimate Perspective | PERSPECTIVE ($5,000 Value) What is it like to live and work on the other side of you? This knowledge alone will dramatically improve every relationship – in your family, in your work, and in the marketplace.

Discovering My Unique Purpose | PURPOSE  ($5,000 Value) What’s most important? You have a valuable contribution that only you can make to a world awaiting your unique ability and experience. We help you and your team accelerate progress in this master course.

Creating My Success Path | PATH ($5,000  Value) Have clarity about where you’re headed in your work? In this course, we help you identify what the future should look like so you can work every day toward that envisioned future.

Crafting a Simple Plan for my Work | PLAN ($5,000 Value) Clearly identify the daily, weekly, monthly decisions and priorities to ensure you get there. This step-by-step experience walks you through creating a powerful, yet Simple One-Page Business Plan.

Preparing for Exponential Growth | PREPARE ($5,000 Value) What happens when the real-world punches you in the face? Most leaders and teams are not prepared for major challenges that arise at the most inopportune times. We’ll show you how to anticipate these challenges and address them proactively before they get out of hand.

Choosing Your Dream Team | PEOPLE ($5,000 Value) The people within your sphere of influence have a dramatic impact on performance, productivity, and success. We equip you and your team members to effectively handle both energizing and draining relationships to maximize influence and impact.

Guidestone Toolkit ($1,000+ Value) This concise, handy guide in print and electronic formats puts 40+ Tools for Simple Leadership in a memorable and teachable form. Whether you are reviewing the concepts yourself or training your team, this toolkit will be indispensable.



Leaders Just Like You are Simplifying Their Life, Work, and Leadership


What’s it like to experience the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass?


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Quote I started working on Module 2 Purpose and stayed up half the night to complete it! It’s great stuff, and the video lessons helped me to make changes to take my leadership to the next level. I can’t wait to work through the next course!
– Mick Coffman
Small Business Owner



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Quote The SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass is excellent and is all you’ll need right out of the box. It was incredibly easy to get started and even includes the tools you need within the sessions themselves without having to go elsewhere. Plus, the support team is very responsive when you need help and are always looking for ways to make it even better than it already is!
– Sean Paulsen



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Quote I could not be happier! The SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass enabled me to make significant progress personally and professionally. It’s incredibly easy to use and when I have questions (and I’ve had lots) the coaches have been incredibly responsive.
– Jenna Kitrell



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Quote I have worked with other coaching firms, but when I was experiencing some incredibly frustrating challenges, I switched to Guidestone. I had spent many frustrating weeks, months, and years trying to make progress and I can truly say I learned to hate my work. But the training and resources in the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass made my work FUN again! There is so much to discover and it just works! This was money well-spent and now I can use my time looking forward and developing my team instead of solving problems all the time.
– James Marshall



When you simplify your leadership, the way you work – and live your life – will never be the same!



Accomplish More in Less Time and Watch Everything Grow


Your influence. Your Team. Your Organization. Your relationships. They’ll all improve.

Less than 15 minutes a day could change your life!

Last week I was with a friend who told me he was spending $20,000 a year for a program like the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass. You can experience better results at a fraction of the cost.



Click to Play Video Overview of
the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass


Which Option Works Best for Me?


This Offer Is Not Available Anywhere Else. There’s no other way to get it at this price. We’ve sold the training and workshops included in the masterclass combined for more than $20,000. But because we know how important it is for you to experience real, sustainable results in your life and work, we have gathered our best tools and resources into the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass at just a fraction of the price for you.

Many people pay thousands of dollars for training, consulting, and resources for mentoring staff and investing in them. But you don’t need to do that.

Instead of $20,000 for the SIMPLE Leadership Masterclass, the course is yours today for just $1990.

You can even get started for just $390 when you select the payment option.

You spend so much time pouring into others – you need to take time to invest in you. Now’s the time.

Click the button below to finally make the progress you’ve wanted to make – in your life, work, and leadership!


Get The Masterclass Now for Just $1990

Or Select the Payment Option to Get Started for $390!


Register Now >>



Plus More Than $500 in Bonuses Listed Above!

Limited Enrollment Period – This rate will expire at midnight this Friday.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ font_color=”%23665843″ top_padding=”-10″ line_height=”32″]The best investment for your remaining professional development dollars this year. And you’ll have access for the rest of your career no matter where it takes you.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”36″ font_color=”%230272B6″ top_padding=”-10″ line_height=”40″]Don’t miss this opportunity
to lock in this unbelievable rate![/text_block]

Register Now >>



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ top_padding=”-10″]Still have questions? Email Us by Clicking Here[/text_block]